Dermaplaning in Kansas City


Dermaplaning is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to address common skin concerns along with various signs of aging. Safe and effective for all skin types and tones, dermaplaning requires no downtime and can produce noticeable results after a single treatment. However, for many people, optimal results may take a series of treatments – most often six – performed over the course of several months.

If you are interested in learning more about dermaplaning or if you would like to schedule a consultation at our Leawood office, please call us at 913-341-2188 today. We welcome patients from Overland Park, Kansas City, and all surrounding areas of Kansas and Missouri.

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Patient Testimonial

"Dr. Young and his staff were extremely helpful and knowledgeable throughout my whole process. The procedure went really well and I had no issues whatsoever. I couldn't have asked for a better experience with something I was extremely nervous about doing. I would highly recommend Dr. Young for any cosmetic procedure you may be interested in having. Even if you have hesitation or doubt, Dr. Young and his staff are honest and reliable with the information they share." - T.

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What Can Dermaplaning Treat?

Dermaplaning is used to treat a range of issues including:

  • Dull Skin
  • Dry Skin
  • Sun Spots
  • Acne Scars
  • Pock Marks
  • Fine Wrinkles

Incredibly gentle, dermaplaning exfoliates the stratum corneum (outermost layer of the skin) along with vellus hair, the fine, light-colored hair often referred to as “peach fuzz” or “baby hair”. In so doing, this procedure produces an overall more radiant appearance to the skin, helping to create a smoother and more youthful look after each treatment.

Patient Testimonial

"After going to a second consultation yesterday, I got to witness the night and day difference between Dr. Young’s office and elsewhere. I can’t say enough about how I love the personal feel of your office! Going from a comfortable room to one identical to a typical tiny doctor’s room really left me with a very cold feeling. Thank you so much for your time and your help! Your office was wonderful to visit - it is far superior to the other one I visited, and it is obvious that Dr. Young places a great amount of effort into his work. I appreciate it."

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On Which Parts of the Body Can Dermaplaning Be Used?

Dermaplaning can be used on nearly any area of the body.

Intended to treat dry skin, reduce fine lines, remove acne scars and pockmarks, and improve the appearance of dull skin, the most common dermaplaning treatment area is the face. However, arms, chest, back, legs, and more can be treated with this safe, effective, and non-invasive cosmetic service.

Who Is a Candidate for Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is safe and effective for nearly every skin tone and type. Good candidates should have generally healthy skin, but there are very few prerequisites for dermaplaning candidacy.

The best way to learn if this safe and effective treatment is right for you is through a one-on-one consultation at our Leawood office.

The Dermaplaning Procedure

Dermaplaning is done in-office and takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Before the procedure, a numbing spray may be used to help ensure optimal comfort, though the procedure is minimally invasive and should not result in pain.

During the procedure, a special tool is used to gently remove dead skin and vellus hairs, allowing the smoother skin underneath to become exposed. Following this gentle exfoliation, we will apply a cooling gel to help soothe the skin and begin the healing process.

Dermaplaning is not a deep cosmetic treatment and results are typically subtle. It may take two to three treatments for results to become more visible, with optimal outcomes often requiring more. During your initial consultation, we will carefully evaluate your skin, assess your areas of concern, and help you determine how many treatments may be necessary to reach your goals.

Is Any Preparation Needed for Dermaplaning?

Your skin will need to be clean and makeup-free before your dermaplaning treatment. We will cleanse your skin before treatment to help prevent infection and irritation. Please do not wear makeup to your appointment.

Infographic: How to Prepare for Your Dermaplaning Appointment

Is There Recovery Involved With Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning does not require a recovery period. You will be able to drive to and from your appointment and resume all of your normal activities immediately after treatment.

The treatment area may experience redness and slight irritation for a few days following dermaplaning. You can reduce this minor inconvenience by following the aftercare instructions provided by our office.

It is important that you avoid exfoliating treatments and other potential irritants, such as makeup, for at least 24-hours following treatment – and that you use a full spectrum sunscreen to help prevent damaging your newly refreshed skin every day.

Is Dermaplaning Painful?

Dermaplaning is painless, some patients even find it somewhat pleasant. There may be slight irritation and redness following treatment, but these issues can be dealt with through the use of topical moisturizers and proper post-treatment skin care.

What Is the Best Way to Maintain Results for Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is minimally invasive and designed to produce subtle cosmetic improvements. These can be maintained through proper skin care, including washing and exfoliating, moisturizing, and sun protection.

We carry a selection of SkinMedica® products and can help you select the most effective options during your time in our care.

As a minimally-invasive non-surgical procedure, dermaplaning is not designed to produce long-lasting results. A single treatment can be expected to produce results for around one month, with subsequent treatments helping to extend this period for around one month each. This makes maintenance important.

The best way to maintain dermaplaning results is through a consistent at-home skin care routine. We carry a comprehensive range of SkinMedica® skincare products that can be customized to address your specific needs. We also offer a wide variety of non-surgical treatments that can be used alternately with dermaplaning to help produce longer-lasting and more substantial results. We would be happy to discuss this in greater detail during your time in our care.


How Does Dermaplaining Rejuvenate the Skin?

Dermaplaning can help rejuvenate your skin by removing “peach fuzz” and dead skin cells, stimulating your blood circulation, and boosting the production of cells. Shaving away the surface layers of your skin can help make it feel smoother. Furthermore, dermaplaning can also help treat a variety of conditions.

These conditions include the following:

  • Acne scars
  • Dry skin
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Actinic keratosis

How Does Dermaplaning Treat Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Dermaplaning is an effective way to treat wrinkles and fine lines. When a doctor shaves the skin, they also remove villus hairs. Villus hairs play a role in the appearance of aging skin, which includes wrinkles and fine lines. However, it should be noted that dermaplaning, while a great way to tackle wrinkles and fine lines early on, is not suitable for treating deep wrinkles. For deeper wrinkles, you may consider alternatives, such as injectable fillers, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and Botox injections. 

Who Should Not Have Dermaplaning?

Although dermaplaning is safe and minimally invasive, it is not for everyone. Some people may not be eligible for dermaplaning treatment if they have certain conditions.

These conditions include the following:

  • Severe sunburns
  • Active acne
  • Sensitive skin
  • Cancer

You may also not be qualified for dermaplaning if you take a medication like Accutane. Accutane is a medication that can help treat severe acne by shrinking the oil glands and unclogging pores. However, it can also make the skin more sensitive. To know for sure if you are a suitable candidate for dermaplaning, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Young.

Are There Risks to Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning does have a few, albeit rare, risks to be aware of. It can increase your chance of an infection, cause scarring, and cause skin discoloration. 

Call Dr. Young for Dermaplaning in Leawood, KS

If you are interested in learning more about dermaplaning or any of our non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments, please call Advanced Cosmetic Surgery at 913-341-2188  to schedule your consultation today. Or, you can fill out the form in our contact page. Located in Leawood, we serve Olathe, Lee’s Summit, and all nearby areas of Missouri and Kansas.