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Whether you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts or you regularly experience neck, back, and shoulder pain, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Levi Young offers multiple options to help you look good and feel good. Women who are dissatisfied with large breasts opt for breast reduction surgery.
Learn about the aesthetic and lifestyle benefits of breast reduction by calling 913-341-2188 today.
What is a Breast Reduction?
A breast reduction removes excess fat and skin tissue from the breasts to give you a more balanced silhouette. This treatment can improve feelings of pain associated with large breasts and can help you feel more confident in your body.
Types of Breast Reduction
There are several techniques available for breast reduction. The method used depends upon the size of your breasts and the amount of reduction to be performed.
Large Reductions
For significant reductions, we usually use a technique that leaves a scar around the areola, then down to the breast crease, and extends horizontally in the breast crease. This technique allows the safe removal of a large amount of breast tissue and skin. The breasts will be firmer with an excellent shape, and the nipples will be in a more youthful position. The nipples are left attached to the breast tissue beneath them, and most patients do not lose sensation. The size of the areolas can also be reduced. The ability to breastfeed is also usually preserved.
Small Reductions
Smaller reductions can be performed without the horizontal incision beneath the breast. The only scars are around the areola and the vertical scar down to the breast crease.
Most patients have no complications. The most common is delayed healing of an incision, and this rarely occurs unless a patient smokes. Not smoking at least two weeks before and after the surgery is critical.
Candidates for Breast Reduction
If you are emotionally or physically uncomfortable with your large breasts, you may be the ideal breast reduction candidate. The procedure is used to bring the bust into complementary alignment with surrounding features and is best for women who are:
- Nonsmokers
- In generally good health
- Prepared for a surgical procedure
- Able to take time to recover
- Willing to follow all of the instructions provided by our office
Do you suspect you are a good candidate for breast reduction? Call us to schedule an appointment and find out.
Breast Reduction Procedure
Your procedure will begin with Dr. Young cleansing the treatment area and making markups. After, your doctor will administer anesthesia to help you maintain comfort during your procedure. The medication options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. After, Dr. Young will make his incisions and remove excess skin and breast tissue from the area. Once the surgery is complete, your incisions will be closed, and you will be monitored as you awaken.
Breast Reduction Recovery
- Low activity
- 6 weeks
Day of Surgery
After surgery, you will spend approximately one hour in the recovery room. Bring a pillow to place between you and a seat belt for comfort. A friend or family member will need to drive you home. A surgical bra will be in place. Sleep with your head and shoulders elevated to decrease swelling. Ice packs 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off may be helpful. Keep a cloth between you and the ice pack. You may notice drainage on your garment.
Day After Surgery
Housework, such as laundry and vacuuming, is restricted for two weeks—no lifting over 10 lbs. (approximately a gallon of milk). Take pain medication and stool softeners as needed for the next two to three days.
Days Two to Seven After Surgery
Shower on day two. Leave sterile strips on. It is imperative to keep the incision clean and dry. A zip-up sports bra may be worn while laundering surgical bra. A bra is worn 24/7 for the next four weeks. Drainage may be noticed at the “T junction” of the incision for a couple of days. Pain and swelling can be more on one side than the other. You will need to make a one-week follow-up appointment. Most people resume work after one week.
After One Week
Pain and swelling continue to improve. Cardio exercise may resume without arm involvement. Do not wear an underwire bra.
After One Month
After this visit, you will have no restrictions for six weeks, and you can notice your final results begin to set in as the swelling has subsided.
Schedule a Client Consultation Today
If you want to learn more about whether a breast reduction is right for you, please call our office at 913-341-2188 to schedule a consultation today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Should I Expect from the Consultation?
The first step in having this surgery, of course, is the initial consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your condition as well as any other medical conditions and medicines that might affect the surgery. We will discuss what size you would ideally like to be and make a determination of how much breast tissue will need to be removed. If you have not had a baseline mammogram, you should do so if you are older than 35 years of age.
What Can I Do to Prepare for Surgery?
- Do not smoke for two weeks before and after your surgery
- Avoid medications that can cause bleeding (aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Nuprin, etc) for about 10 days before the surgery.
- Arrange for help or special care following surgery.
How Small Can You Go With a Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction is used to create contours that look and feel more natural. To accomplish this, the size of the breasts can be reduced as much as you’d like during the procedure, providing enough of the breast mound is left in place to ensure natural-looking results.
Will the Scaring Be Noticeable?
Scarring is inevitable following breast reduction surgery. Depending on where your incisions were placed, some scars may be hidden in the dark skin of the areola or along the crease where the breast and chest meet. Scars on the breast mound will fade with time, but may always be slightly noticeable.
You can reduce the risk of highly visible scars by keeping your incisions clean and dry, wearing your compression garment, avoiding blood thinners, and following all of our post-operative care instructions.
Is Breast Reduction Painful?
Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You will not feel anything during your procedure.
During the first few weeks of recovery, your breasts may be tender, sore, swollen, and bruised. These things can be handled through medication use, wearing a compression garment, taking time to rest, and keeping incisions clean and dry.
Pain following breast surgery is temporary and should not be extreme.
Can I Combine a Breast Reduction With Other Procedures?
Breast reduction is commonly combined with various contouring and lift techniques following significant weight loss or during the mommy makeover procedure. Possible combinations include liposuction, tummy tuck, and lower body lift.
During your initial consultation, we will carefully assess your areas of concern, discuss all possible treatment options, and guide you toward the most effective solutions for your body.
How Can I Maintain My Results for the Future?
Breast reduction surgery permanently removes fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts. There is nothing that will need to be done to maintain your results following your procedure.
General breast health can be maintained through proper support (bras, etc.) and leading a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a consistent weight and getting plenty of exercise can help to guard against fluctuations in breast size. Just be sure to support the breasts when engaging in physically demanding activities.
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“I am an artist. My artistic ability is an asset in the operating room, enabling me to visualize and create the best aesthetic results.”
With years of expertise in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Young prioritizes patients’ well-being and satisfaction. Whether you are considering a subtle enhancement or a transformative procedure, you can trust Advanced Cosmetic Surgery to deliver exceptional care and results tailored to your personal needs and cosmetic goals.
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You can contact our staff at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation, schedule an appointment, or ask any questions you have! We are here to assist you on every step of your cosmetic journey.