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Every woman is unique, which means your breast augmentation procedure should be customized to suit your natural anatomy and goals for your body. A breast augmentation helps to reshape and contour your breasts to your ideal size and shape. Breast lifts are customizable, allowing you to combine them with complementary procedures such as breast lifts.  

What is a Breast Augmentation? 

Breast augmentation surgery, commonly referred to as a “boob job” by patients, involves the use of breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts. This surgical procedure may also help to rejuvenate breasts after pregnancy or weight loss and improve the natural symmetry of the breasts. Breast augmentation surgery can improve the projection, fullness, and balance of the breasts in relation to the rest of the body.  

Types of Breast Augmentation 

Breast augmentation often involves the placement of breast implants to achieve the desired breast size and shape. There are two main types of breast implants used for breast augmentation patients today, including saline and silicone.

Saline Implants 

Saline implants have a silicone shell and are filled to their desired size with saline water after the shell is surgically placed.  

Silicone Implants 

Silicone implants, also called silicone gel implants, also involve a silicone shell but are pre-filled with silicone. “Gummy bear” implants are silicone implants with a thicker, cohesive fill. There are benefits to both breast implant types, but Dr. Young often recommends silicone because it offers a more natural look and feel, particularly gummy-style silicone implants. 

Things to Consider When Choosing Breast Implant Types

While both saline and silicone breast implants can provide beautiful breast surgery results, they are each associated with their own pros and cons.

Saline Implant Pros

  • Saline breast implants can be filled after placement, allowing for a smaller incision and adjustments in size following surgery.
  • If a saline implant leaks, the solution is safely absorbed by the body.
  • A leak is easier to detect, as the breast will take on a deflated appearance.

Saline Implants Cons

  • Saline implants may feel firmer and less natural compared to silicone implants.
  • Saline implants may be more prone to visible rippling in thin patients.

Silicone Implant Pros

  • Silicone implants tend to feel similar to natural breast tissue.
  • Silicone implants are often less prone to rippling than saline implants.

Silicone Implant Cons

  • In the event of a breast implant rupture, silicone implant gel may remain in the implant shell. This may not result in visible changes to the breast, so a leak may be harder to detect.

Breast Augmentation Incision Types 

The location of your implant incision will depend on the type of breast implant you choose, implant size, and a few other factors. The three incision options for breast enlargement surgery include: 


 An incision is made in the crease underneath the breast. The resulting scar is hidden in the fold. Dr. Young typically recommends the inframammary incision. 


 The incision is created around the areola (nipple), and the surgical scar fades to blend in with the darker pigment of your areolas. 


The armpit incision is often used for saline implants as they are inserted empty and then filled to the desired size with saline (salt) water. 

Breast Implant Size 

The volume of your breast implants will depend on your natural anatomy, measurements, and desired results. The width of your breast implants must match the width of your natural breasts. Cleavage is another common concern our patients have when deciding on implant size and placement.  

Breast Implant Placement Options 

The placement of your breast implants will affect the shape and feel of your breast augmentation results. There are two options, including:  


This “Over the Muscle” placement option involves positioning the breast implants underneath your breast tissue on top of your chest (pectoral) muscles. 


“Under the Muscle” placement for breast implants involves positioning them beneath both your glandular tissue and pectoral muscles. Partial submuscular (dual plane) is an alternative option as well. 

Implant placement largely comes down to preference, and many of our patients choose submuscular as it can give you a more natural-looking result than subglandular. 

Breast Augmentation Procedure 

Your procedure will begin with Dr. Young cleansing the treatment area and making markups. After, your doctor will administer anesthesia to help you maintain comfort during your procedure. The medication options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. After, Dr. Young will make your desired incision and place the breast implants in your predetermined locations. After the implants look how you desire, your incisions will be closed. After surgery, you will be carefully monitored and released to your caregiver.  

Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Candidates for breast augmentation include individuals in generally good health who are unhappy with the appearance of the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation is through a private consultation with Dr. Young.

Breast Augmentation Recovery and Results 

  • 6 weeks
  • Low activity

Breast implant surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis so you can return home to heal. To give your body the opportunity to heal correctly, you’ll need to take one to two weeks off work or have help available at home for small children. You also need to avoid using your upper body to lift or reach objects for six weeks, but you can exercise your lower body after two weeks. Following your breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Young will see you for several follow-up appointments: one-week post-op, then six weeks, six months, and one year. Your breast augmentation results can take over three to four months to fully emerge.

Schedule a Client Consultation Today 

If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, please contact our office by calling 913-341-2188 to schedule a consultation today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a breast augmentation do?

    This surgery increases breast size, addresses breast symmetry, and alters the shape of the breasts. This helps women gain confidence while achieving their ideal figure.

  • What is the difference between breast implants and a breast augmentation?

    Breast implants are the materials used to achieve your goal while a breast augmentation is the procedure used.

  • Is breast augmentation painful?

    The incisions for the implants range from an inch to two inches long and involve minimal pain. If you experience pain, it will subside within a few short days and can be managed with pain medications.

  • How long does a breast augmentation last?

    You can expect your augmentation results to last at least ten years.

  • What age is best for a breast augmentation?

    Many women receive a breast augmentation between 25 and 65 years old. Factors that can influence your decision include genetics, aging, and breast changes due to pregnancy and breast feeding.

Dr. Levi Young, MD

“I am an artist. My artistic ability is an asset in the operating room, enabling me to visualize and create the best aesthetic results.”

With years of expertise in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Young prioritizes patients’ well-being and satisfaction. Whether you are considering a subtle enhancement or a transformative procedure, you can trust Advanced Cosmetic Surgery to deliver exceptional care and results tailored to your personal needs and cosmetic goals.


Contact us!

Are you ready to embark on your journey to radiant beauty? Contact our dedicated team today to schedule your consultation and begin your cosmetic transformation.

You can contact our staff at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation, schedule an appointment, or ask any questions you have! We are here to assist you on every step of your cosmetic journey.