Enlarge, Lift, or Both? Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

Posted: March 15, 2022
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Large Bust and Measuring Tape

Breast lift surgery is designed to remove loose and sagging skin from the breast mound. With a breast lift, tissue is raised into a perkier and more youthful position and firmed to create ideal symmetry and shape. The procedure is ideal for women whose breasts have begun to sag, no matter the extent, and who desire a lifted and optimally shaped breast mound.

Breast lift surgery can cause a slight reduction in cup size. This is not an issue for everyone. In fact, in some cases, a slight size reduction is preferable. However, women who are concerned with volume loss in addition to sagging tissue may benefit from a combination of lift with breast implants.

Breast augmentation is designed to improve the size, shape, symmetry, and projection of the breasts. Most often accomplished with implants, breast augmentation does not lift sagging tissue but instead adds volume to the chest. Augmentation is ideal for women whose breasts are too small, asymmetrical, or otherwise unappealing to their frame.

Some of the issues that can result in volume loss, such as weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and the process of aging, can also result in breast sagging. In these cases, it is best to combine augmentation with lift. This comprehensive approach allows for the complete optimization of the breasts and helps to ensure highly desirable contours.

What’s Right for You?

At Advanced Cosmetic Surgery, we are fully committed to the happiness of each patient we see. Dr. Young is a board-certified plastic surgeon who cares deeply about our patients. He takes time to understand individual needs, pay attention to stated desires, and keep patients involved in the planning phase to make sure outcomes match objectives. He welcomes an opportunity to meet with you where he can listen to your concerns, evaluate your frame, and help you decide if breast lift, breast augmentation, or a combination of the two is the best bet.

Please call 913-341-2188 to schedule your breast enhancement consultation today. Advanced Cosmetic Surgery is located in Leawood. Dr. Young welcomes patients from Kansas City, Overland Park, and all nearby areas of Kansas and Missouri.