Will Liposuction Help Me Lose Weight?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: People think about liposuction sometimes as a weight loss procedure and the truth is, it’s not. Liposuction is very effective, but it should be thought of as contouring. We can change your contour. We can change the appearance. We can change the thickness of that fat layer, but if you’re going to stand on the scale, you’re not going to see a huge difference. Fat doesn’t weight very much. Muscle does. Bone does. But you can remove a lot of fat and not see much change on the scale, so don’t think about liposuction as weight loss. Think about it as very effective contouring. We can change the shape, and it’s really good. So if you’d like to know more or you’re interested in liposuction, give us a call at 913-341-2188, or visit our website and look at some of our before and afters at www.advancedcosmeticsurgerykc.com.