What is Included in a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: What is a mommy makeover? In truth, it’s not a defined procedure. It means we’re addressing the things that moms care about most; the thing that changed the most with pregnancies. It’s their breasts and their abdomen. So a mommy makeover is combining a tummy tuck with whatever breast procedure a patient needs. Sometimes it’s just implants in a breast augmentation. Sometimes they need a lift with those implants. It depends. So, the way we decide is what they want to look like and what they look like in clinic. If you’d like to know if you’re a good candidate for mommy makeover, come visit us. Call us at the office at 913-341-2188 or visit our website and look at some of our before and afters at www.advancedcosmeticsurgerykc.com.