Is Gynecomastia Permanent?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: If you’ve got gynecomastia, you’re probably going to ask yourself: Is this a permanent condition? And the truth is, what’s the cause? A lot of gynecomastia cases are congenital. It occurred during puberty. That’s naturally occurring, and that’s not going to go away. That’s permanent. It probably takes some surgery like I could offer to help you out with that, but if your gynecomastia is the result of medication use, anabolic steroid use, marijuana use in the present or the past, if you stop those factors, in a lot of those patients, gynecomastia will resolve. If you’d like to know more and you’d like to know what to do about it, come visit us. Call us at the office at 913-341-2188 or visit our website at