Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: A very common question about breast augmentation is: Am I a good candidate? When I sit down with patients and discuss breast augmentation with them, the first things we do is talk about their expectations. What size are they now? What size have they been in the past? What shape are they after? What’s appealing to them? And then we go from there. Most women have the same goal. They want a breast that’s a size and a shape that balances out their body. That’s proportionate and that they feel good about. So, most people are good candidates for breast augmentation. It all depends on what your final outcomes and expectations would be. I’d love to discuss that with you. We spend a lot of time. It’s the vast majority of our time in these consults discussing how do you want to look? What’s the shape and size that appeals to you? And how can we use an implant to help you achieve those results?

If you’d like to discuss a breast augmentation, please call us 913-341-2188 or visit our website