Am I Too Old for Breast Augmentation?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: One common question about breast augmentation is does your age matter? I see a range. There’s women who feel that they’re too old. There’s also women who are concerned about being too young for breast augmentation. In truth, if you’re old enough to consent for it and you’ve thought about it or if you’re healthy enough to have surgery, you’re a good candidate for breast augmentation. Some of my favorite patients have been those women who were concerned they were too old. They’re spunky. They’ve thought about it their entire life. They’re fun to take care of, so don’t let age be a factor. If you’re healthy enough to do it, come visit us. So, call us at 913-341-2188 or visit our website