Can I Breastfeed After Having a Breast Augmentation?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: A lot of patients who want breast augmentation are thinking about having kids in the future or considering breastfeeding in the future, so a common question they ask is: Is it safe and can I breastfeed after breast augmentation? And the answer is yes. The implant goes behind all of the important structures that allow you to breastfeed. It’s either going behind the breast tissue itself or behind the muscle. It’s just pushing or augmentation those tissues forward, so all the necessary structures—anatomy—that you would need to breastfeed are still there and still functioning. So, the answer is yes. It’s safe. You can do it. There’s no concern that would prevent you from breastfeeding in the future after breast augmentation. If you’d like to know more, please call us 913-341-2188, or visit our website at