What is a Tummy Tuck?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: What is a Tummy Tuck? Well, another name for it would be abdominoplasty. Both those procedures are designed to address the trunk, or abdomen, of a patient. In my practice, it has three main parts. We want to sculpt the front, the back. We want to give you the best waistline and figure that we can. So those three important parts are liposuction of the flank and hip area. We want to give you back that hourglass. We want to give you that feminine figure, and I want to get rid of the excess skin and tighten the abdominal wall. Most of my patients who want a tummy tuck are women, they’ve had kids, their abdominal wall stretched out. We want to repair that so there’s plication sutures inside at the abdominal wall which help to flatten the abdominal wall and then we remove that excess skin. A low incision, down at that waistband of your pant area and an upper incision near your belly button. We’re removing a lot of skin and tissue and then stretching that skin flat. A tummy tuck has three parts: Tightening your abdomen, removing the excess skin, and shaping and contouring your waistline. If you’d like to know more, come visit us at our office. Call us at 913-341-2188 or visit the website www.advancedcosmeticsurgerykc.com.