When Is It the Right Time to Get a Breast Lift Procedure?

Kansas City Plastic Surgeon serving Overland Park, Leawood & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

Posted: May 31, 2023
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Breast LiftWe’re glad you asked! And we would love to have a conversation with you about it at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery in Leawood, KS. Dr. Young prides himself on helping our patients decide whether a cosmetic procedure is right for them. And breast lifts are one of those procedures that many want to do, but some wonder if it is the right time to do so. Below we’ll discuss some factors to consider about this procedure and why you may or may not want to wait before having it done.

Deciding What Your Overall Goals Are

Patients often come to us asking if a breast lift procedure will increase the size of their breasts. They will look more perky and firm given that they have been lifted, but this does not add any kind of size to them. This is an important decision to distinguish because if you’re looking for a size increase you need to have a conversation with us about breast implants and augmentation.

Ensuring You Have Time to Spare

This procedure is invasive and therefore takes some substantial time to recover from. For the first two weeks after the procedure, you should be taking it as easy as possible, and do little to no physical activity. Even then, you will not be able to fully return to strenuous activity or more involved work until the sixth week after. So, it's important to pick a time to do this procedure when you do not have other serious responsibilities that need looking after.

Considering the Future

If you’re considering a breast lift now, but have aspirations of becoming pregnant in the future, it will benefit your situation to hold off for now. Pregnancy changes your overall body compensation in general but it also increases breast size and then typically leads to sagging after giving birth. We could still do a breast lift, but the results would be rendered pointless after pregnancy occurs. Not saying you can’t do this, but if you want your breasts to retain their look, you may need another breast lift after the fact. 

If you have any questions or you’re still not sure if now is the right time for a breast lift procedure, please don’t hesitate to call us at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery in Leawood, KS, at 913-341-2188.

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